Our Services


Consulting services on an hourly or project basis.

Team building activities tailored to your company’s needs

This service begins with conversations with leaders in order to determine the team goals and includes observing your team’s interactions to identify areas for improvement.

Activities are then designed with the leaderships outcomes in mind as well as the current habits of the team.  Activities can be implemented in full-day or half-day sessions.

Follow-up observations and feedback inform the design of future or ongoing activities. Additionally, data from the company helps to inform the success of the activities.

Facilitating Meetings

For anyone who has either been in a meeting or run a meeting that could have been more efficient or effective, this service is for you. Our facilitators can help your meetings to be more effective in less time. Improve the effectiveness of your meetings from staying on topic to gathering important input from attendees. Have attendees leave feeling that the meeting was a good use of time.

Leadership Conversations

Great teams stem from great leaders. I love to have one-on-one conversations with members of the leadership team to brainstorm strategies that may help in a variety of day-to-day situations.

Leadership Diversity Conversations

These one-on-one conversations provide an opportunity to learn about the current diversity terms and concepts that may come up in conversation. These time-efficient conversations can go as in depth as is desired on a variety of topics. Designed based on the individual needs and goals of the executive, these meetings are mindful of busy schedules.

Designing Tips for Fun Events for Belonging

Getting the chance to go offsite and have fun with your colleagues can be an awesome bonding experience, when done right. Fortunately, there are some simple steps to help your entire team to feel a greater sense of belonging.